
How do I read the free essays?
Simply sign up for an account, donate a paper, and you’ll have access to all of the free essays.
How do I submit my own essays?
You can submit an essay when you create your account or if you are already a member, you can visit our essay submission form.
How do I copy a paper to my computer?
  1. Highlight all of the text by clicking the “Highlight Text” link above the essay.
  2. Go to the “Edit” menu in your web browser and select “Copy.”
  3. Open your word processing software. (Microsoft Word)
  4. Create a new document.
  5. Go to the “Edit” menu in your word processing software and select “Paste.”
How do you determine the number of pages in a paper?
The page count is based on an estimate of 250 words per page.
Do all of your papers have bibliographies?
Some of our papers do not have bibliographies, but many of them do.
Is this plagiarism?
Submitting papers to a website and reviewing other users’ papers is not plagiarism; submitting another’s work as your own is plagiarism. Please never turn in any articles from this website as your own.
I forgot my account information. How can I retrieve it?
Please visit the forgot password page.
How do I remove my paper from the site?
Please contact us and provide a link to your paper.
My copyrighted material is on this website without my permission. How can I get it removed?
Please contact us and follow the procedures in item 21 on this page:
How do I cite these papers?
You can site documents from our database the same way that you would cite other website sources. Please view this page for an example:
Do you have the charts, graphs, or figures for these papers?
Unfortunately, when a user submits a paper to us, we lose any additional attachments that were associated with the paper.
How do I search for a paper?
Please use the search box at the top of the page.
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